Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)

In order to be approved for National Listing, varieties of agricultural species (cereals, forages and potatoes) must be of sufficient value for cultivation and use (VCU) in Norway.


Through the examination for VCU the varieties are tested and evaluated in respect of growing properties like earliness, resistance to weather conditions and important plant diseases, winter hardiness, yield and quality.

The VCU-test is performed by Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Based on the results of the VCU-test, NIBIO give their advice to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

VCU for forages – initialisation of periodic testing

As from 2020 the testing of value for conservation and use (VCU) for forages will be organized in a new way. The initialisation of a new cycle of testing of new varieties in each species will only occur every fifth year. It will not be possible to enter new varieties during the five-year test cycle.

VCU for forages –  periodic testing

For forages the testing is periodic. This implies that the initialisation of a new cycle of testing of new varieties in each species only occurs every fifth year. It will not be possible to enter new varieties during the five-year test cycle.
The trials are sown for three succeeding years. Each experimental plot is then harvested for three years. The VCU fee is charged for each year of sowing.

IMPORTANT: In order for a new variety to be included when testing of a new species is initiated, an application for approval of the variety must be submitted by 1 February in the year of initiation. You can see the order of starting a new test in the various species in the table below.

Year of initialisationSpecies
2024No new species starting this year
2025Festuca pratensis L., x Festulolium*
2026Phleum pratense L.
2027Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., Medicago sativa L.
2028Lolium perenne L., Lolium multiflorum, x Festulolium*
2029No new species starting this year
2030Festuca pratensis L., x Festulolium*
2031Phleum pratense L.
2032Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., Medicago sativa L.
2033Lolium perenne L., Lolium multiflorum, x Festulolium*
2034No new species starting this year

*The testing of x Festulolium can be done either together with varieties of Festuca pratensis or together with the Lolium varieties, according to the origin of the x Festulolium.


A plant variety can be approved only if it is distinct, stable and sufficiently uniform (DUS).

The DUS-test is carried out abroad, on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. There are different deadlines for registration and submission of plant material depending on the country in which the DUS-test is to be carried out and the species in question.

Guidelines for DUS testing of the various plant species are drawn up by the CPVO (Community Plant Variety Office) and UPOV (International Union for the Protection of new Varieties of Plants).

Deadlines for registration and submission of plant material 

Fees and charges

Current fees (2023)

  • VCU-test and approval of plant varieties, per year: NOK 15,700
  • DUS-test: The Norwegian Food Safety Authority buy DUS-tests from EU-countries. Fees vary with actual cost. 
  • Copy of DUS test that has already been completed: NOK 3,320
  • Approval of plant varieties without VCU: NOK 1,700

