Approval of chemicals for water treatment

Products intended for drinking water must be approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. This applies to products for use in water works and in internal distribution networks, but not for private households.

Last reviewed

Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) approves and oversees the potable water supply systems, approves water treatment products and develops regulations and guidelines.

NFSA is also working closely with other authorities in order to achieve a wholesome water management.

Approval makes it easier for the user

The approval scheme ensures that products added to the drinking water are safe. During the application process, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) assesses all product components for health hazards.

It is often difficult to consider the health consequences of water treatment chemicals for the end user. When the product is approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, there is no need for det user to acquire such knowledge.

Approved products can be found in thelist of approved water treatment chemicals (ODS) which is updated regularly.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA; Mattilsynet) or the NIPH does not assess whether the product has the effect stated by the manufacturer or supplier. The approval is not to be understood as a guarantee of this.

Manufacturers and importers should apply

The manufacturer or importer of a water treatment chemical is responsible for the application process. The application must be fully processed and approved before a product can be used. The end user is responsible for using approved products.

Products subject to application

All water treatment chemicals for use in water supply systems and internal distribution networks onshore and offshore, and drinking water production on ships and vessels, are covered by the obligation to apply.

Products not subject to application

Water treatment chemicals for private use are not subject to application. This applies only to products that are not to be added to water supply systems or internal distribution networks.

Chemicals that do not leave any residue in the drinking water, and filter material that is not in suspension, do not need approval. This applies to cleaning agents and disinfectants that are washed away before normal operation.

Technical water treatment equipment is usually not subject to application. 

Please contact us if you have any doubts about whether you need to apply.

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Application procedure

Fill in one application form per product. The annex is mandatory and must follow the application for it to be considered.

The applicant is responsible for providing documentation showing that the product is suitable for water treatment, and that it poses no health hazard when used. Good documentation contributes to a faster case management. The documentation can be from Norwegian or foreign academic communities.

Send your application to:, with a copy to


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Postboks 383
2381 Brumunddal

The application process

The NFSA submits the application to the NIPH for a toxicological assessment. The processing time may vary depending on the complexity of the product and whether it has been used for water treatment earlier. If there is no documentation, you will be contacted by the NIPH or the NFSA along the way. After finishing, you'll get feedback. If the product is approved, you will receive the appropriate documentation. Criteria for use may be set for some products. Finally, the product is inserted into the list of approved water treatment chemicals.

All information in the application is treated confidentially. The application process is subject to a fee.

Please refer any inquiries into the application process or approved products to

Duration and cases where approval may lapse

The approval lasts for ten years from the date the application was granted. After ten years, the product is removed from the approval list. The manufacturer or supplier must submit a new application well before the approval expires. Reapplication is identical to the process described above, with updated mandatory attachment, and other relevant documentation. If possible, enter a previous case number with the NFSA.

The approval is based on the documentation at the time of approval. Significant changes in the product, toxicological properties of the components, or the status of the chemical regulations, may cause approval to lapse.

Change in product name

When rebranding already approved water treatment chemicals, the applicant shall send the NFSA information about the new product name, along with confirmation that the product has the same composition and application as at the time of approval. Disinfectants must also comply with the requirements of the Biocide Regulations Disinfectants or preservatives must be registered with the Norwegian Environment Agency, in addition to the approval from the NFSA. The applicant must ensure that the treatment chemical fulfills any other regulations other than the approval from the NFSA.

See the Environment Agency's website for more information.
