Hvordan søke godkjenning av plantevernmidler

Informasjon om ulike søknadstyper og krav knyttet til søknadsprosessen for godkjenning av plantevernmidler.


Innhold på denne siden

  1. New plant protection product
  2. Veiledere - guidance documents
  3. National environmental requirements
  4. Fees for evaluating applications for plant protection products
  5. Renewal of approval of a plant protection product
  6. Amendment of an authorisation
  7. Requirements for the authorisation holder and importer after the decision
  8. Withdrawal of an approval
  9. Grace periods
  10. Data protection
  11. Treated seeds and products for greenhouses, post-harvest and seed treatment
  12. UFI codes are not a part of The Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s assessment of pesticide labels