Avl av knockout og wild type mice (copy)

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1. Purpose of the study
In this project, we want to breed PXR knockout (KO) and wild type mice. In addition, we want to breed PXR KO mice with KLB KO mice to generate a double PXR/KLB KO mice. These mice will then be used to investigate the role of PXR and PXR/KLB on metabolic homeostasis.

2. Expected harm/severity for the animals
No injuries are expected for the animals during this experiment. A small part of the ear will be cut to genotype the animals; this is a common practice.

3. Expected benefit for science or society
We may discover novel mechanisms regulating glucose and lipid metabolism.

4. How many and what kind of animals will be used (totally in this experiment)
For this project, we expect to use about 700 mice.
PXR KO mice: 100
WT mice: 100

The KLB KO mice have currently a mixed C57Bl6/SV background.
First, we need to generate KLB KO mice in a SV background by crossing KLB KO mice with SV mice for at least 10 generations:
KLB KO mice: 50
WT mice: 50

Then, we will cross KLB KO mice with PXR KO mice to generate hetero (HET) mice. These HET mice will then be crossed to generate KLB/PXR KO mice.
KLB KO mice: 10
PXR KO mice: 10
HET mice: 80
KLB/PXR KO mice: 150
WT mice: 150

5. How are compliance with the requirements for replacement, reduction and refinement safeguarded.
Since this project is done to breed mice, the use of cells is not possible. We will take advantage of our breeding experience in the field to refine the housing of animals (bowl, paper) and fully optimize the life of every animal used. More information is described in the FOTS application.