Breeding and maintenance of mouse strains used for cardio-metabolic research
1. This project will provide research animals of relevant genotypes for cardio-metabolic research at our institute. In this project, we will maintain healthy colonies of 30 genotypes currently in use, or planned to be used within the project period.
2. This is primarily a breeding project to maintain healthy colonies of relevant mouse strains for cardio-metabolic research conducted at KPM Rikshospitalet. Mice will be ear-tagget for identification, and 1 blood sample will be collected from each individual to rule out potential outliers. Blood will be collected from the calf vein through a pinprick. Finally, 20 mice of each genotype will be sacrificed by CO2 for isolation of intraperitoneal macrophages. We estimate the stress level of animals in this project to be mild.
3. This project will provide us with the necessary animals for our research in the field of cardiovascular and coagulation disorders, immune cell function, inflammation and metabolic disorders. This large project allows us to plan and schedule synchronized breeding and backcrossings across several research groups at our institute. Through better planning, we will be able to reduce the total number of mice used at our animal facility.
4. We estimate the need of 576 animals/genotype to be able to provide enough animals for our research activity and simultaneously maintain healthy colonies of individual strains. In addition, we will schedule synchronized backcrossing events to avoid inbreeding issues. For the planned backcrossings, 48 “fresh” mice will be transported from licenses breeders (i.e. JAX and Taconic). With 30 genotypes, the estimated total number is 17328 mice.
5. Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders are results of interactions between several cell types of an organism, the genetic background of an individual and the environment. These factors can not be replicated outside a living organism. Through experience, we have minimized the number of breeders needed to provide us with enough research animals and at the same time maintain a healthy, breeding colony. Through synchronization of backcrossing events, we will reduce the number of “fresh” breeders for this purpose. All animals are checked at a daily basis by skilled KPM staff, and animals suffering from spontaneous illness or injuries will be terminated.
2. This is primarily a breeding project to maintain healthy colonies of relevant mouse strains for cardio-metabolic research conducted at KPM Rikshospitalet. Mice will be ear-tagget for identification, and 1 blood sample will be collected from each individual to rule out potential outliers. Blood will be collected from the calf vein through a pinprick. Finally, 20 mice of each genotype will be sacrificed by CO2 for isolation of intraperitoneal macrophages. We estimate the stress level of animals in this project to be mild.
3. This project will provide us with the necessary animals for our research in the field of cardiovascular and coagulation disorders, immune cell function, inflammation and metabolic disorders. This large project allows us to plan and schedule synchronized breeding and backcrossings across several research groups at our institute. Through better planning, we will be able to reduce the total number of mice used at our animal facility.
4. We estimate the need of 576 animals/genotype to be able to provide enough animals for our research activity and simultaneously maintain healthy colonies of individual strains. In addition, we will schedule synchronized backcrossing events to avoid inbreeding issues. For the planned backcrossings, 48 “fresh” mice will be transported from licenses breeders (i.e. JAX and Taconic). With 30 genotypes, the estimated total number is 17328 mice.
5. Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders are results of interactions between several cell types of an organism, the genetic background of an individual and the environment. These factors can not be replicated outside a living organism. Through experience, we have minimized the number of breeders needed to provide us with enough research animals and at the same time maintain a healthy, breeding colony. Through synchronization of backcrossing events, we will reduce the number of “fresh” breeders for this purpose. All animals are checked at a daily basis by skilled KPM staff, and animals suffering from spontaneous illness or injuries will be terminated.