Development of experimental challenge models with Piscirickettsia salmonis for evaluation of efficacy of vaccines intended for Atlantic salmon.

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Piscirickettsiosis, or salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS), caused by Piscirickettsia salmonis, is one of the largets threats to Chilean aquaculture. Several vaccines are registered, but the disease situation is far from under control. Experimental challenge models represent an essential tool to evaluate the efficacy of vaccines.

The main goal of this trial is to study the differences in disease development in Atlantic salmon after challenge with two Chilean and one Norwegian strain of P. salmonis using a new cultivation Method for the bacteria. The fish are likely to develop SRS and mortality can be expected in some groups. This will be of severe pain. Fish at a terminal stage will be removed form the trial. The trial will include three groups of Atlantic salmon (1200 fish in total) that will be challenged by intraperitoneal injection or cohabitation with three different strains of P. salmonis.

Tissue and blood samples will be taken every week to study potential differences in disease development between the groups.
The study will be of Scientific value and will be useful to the society.